Rear master cylinder

Hello took apart rear brake master cylinder today… been on eBay to purchase but the one that came out of my 1984 vf1000r looks different to the ones that come up… mine says it’s a 1986 and won’t fit but it came out :thinking: shall I order this type even though it says it won’t fit ? Thanks Sean.

This one says it fit but it different?. So confused

All the “R” master cylinder kit part numbers are the same, whether RE, RF or RG.

Kit Pn is: 43520MJ6305 …or the superseded number is 43520MJ6315.

RE here:

RF here:

RG here:

The other one in your pic is possibly for a VF1000F…they are different and use a different caliper too.


Ok thankyou Smithy

It’s identical to the VF500 repair kit,they are both 1/2” bore
eBay item no. 176586706218
Tourmax kit Msr-103

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Hi bif it’s on its way :blush::+1: