I’m Patrick Lippinkhof the owner of Classic Bike Meters in the Netherlands CBMTRS.COM. I’m specialized in mechanically driven Nippon Denso (ND) and Nippon Seiki motorcycle gauges form seventies and eighties.
I’ve already made high quality replacements for the CBX1000 and Bol 'd Or gauges which I sell to customers world wide:
Now I’m thinking about producing the speedo and tachometer needles for the VF1000R gauges. They will be in an aged orange color so they blend in with the gauges dials. How many of you would be interested in this?
Nice to meet you here!
I’ll be making the needles for the VF1000R first. They are interchangeable with many other VF bikes so it makes sense to have these in my assortment.
The rings how ever are a completely different story…
I’ve made them for the Bol d’Or and CBX1000 gauges because their rings corrode badly over time and there was a high demand for them.
I haven’t had many specific requests for replacement VF1000R rings yet nor did I see badly corroded VF1000R ones.
So I guess they only need replacement when they are either damaged, by incorrect opening or accidents.
It’s quite an investment making tooling for these rings so it only makes sense for me if the demand is high enough for them…
Thanks for the reply.
If I’m correct the VF1000FE shares the needles with the VF1000R so these would be interchangeable with my new reproductions. So if your needles need replacement or the mechanically driven speedometer needs a tune up, then I could offer you that service.
Hi Patrick,will the price point be in the same region as the cb/CBX parts?
Also if you produce replacement dials would the colour match,giving the meters an as new look?
Regards Bif
I’ll be making the first run of these needles in the shade of an aged gauge so it blends in with 70-90% of the gauges that are still on the road.
It’s quite an investment to make all the other parts, so it only makes sense to make them if there’s a serious demand for them.
But if there is, I can make them so they look spot on.
Here’s a picture I made last Saturday, when I was invited as a speaker at the dutch CBX1000 club.
Bert Vonder man, a Dutch CBX1000 specialist was organizing the event and had an early CBX1000 ”sandcast” on display that hadn’t seen any light for more than four decades.
Here I’m holding my face next to the original color:
Replacement needles would be an awesome option. All four needles on my vf1000f are broken, and I have been searching for an entire new cluster because of it.