Ringing noise in top end

I fired up my project vf1000f the other day to do some testing, and it seemed to have a very hard time starting, it took lots of cranking and help with starting fluid, and would barely run. Once it got warmed up a little it started to wake up a little bit. When revving it, there is an awful ringing noise in the top end when the engine is slowing down, it happens around 3-4k rpm until it slows back to idle. Any ideas? This sound was not present in previous testing at any rpm. It was not consistent either, it would only do it sometimes when revving, and there was no bad noises at idle. The only thing I had done to it since last time was fill and bleed the clutch master cylinder. When I was testing the bike was in neutral without the clutch pulled in.

Very difficult to diagnose a noise by description,any way you can do a video with sound?

I tried to record it as it was happening but the exhaust is so loud it completely drowns out the noise I’m trying to diagnose on camera. I’ll dig up the video and send it to you.