Hi all, returned to work today after 2 weeks on jury duty and found a 3D printer had been purchased, does anybody have any ideas for parts that I could try and make? I thought of the plastic bungs on the side of the frame or similar one for steering stem. There is a design online for a fuse box cover for a CB750 / 900 that looks very similar to one on a 1000F. I will need to learn how to use CAD software to design the parts so nothing too complicated at first! I tried it out by making a throttle ease paddle due to breaking my wrist in January and needing to wear a brace on my wrist at the moment when I ride, the quality was really impressive.
Hi Gary, may be you could have a go at the double headlight grill, I was going to approach Low pressure moulding to see about having these reproduced, as yet I haven’t had time what with building the R and all manner of other things that have taken my time up…
Excellent idea, will play with CAD software to get the hang of it over next few days and then remove my grill and try to copy it. Today I’ve made two types of push in bung and one for the steering stem bolt, all designs were downloaded from web and sizes are easy to adjust if they don’t fit also several different colours are available.
Apparently they can be polished to get surface marks out.
Hi gary! Can you do me a full rear mudguard, a belly pan and a single seat cover, cheers Seriously this brings great possibilities though, looking forward to catching up in that there Scotland.
Back to work today, whoopee! Headlight grill for bol dor and R bikes fits in the printer so now need to get it scanned, found a place to get it done locally but when I looked at their website the scanner they use is for doing dental work, false teeth so was wondering if Andy may have access to similar gear, if not no problem I’ll give them a ring on Monday. Graham I did a funnel for you so send me your address and I’ll post it to you.
We can’t have that! How would you be able to come away with us without money? I’ll ring the scanner company on Monday and see how much they charge, if it’s too much I’ll try to get work to get some things scanned and slip the grill in with some machine parts.