hi got a slight blowing from each joint on the exhaust joints, clamp is really tight, not sure what to use to seal it? Thankyou Sean.
If you are unable to get graphite gaskets for it, a few wraps of aluminium speed tape might help.
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Get to an exhaust shop and they should have a tool that can stretch the front pipe and make it a tighter fit.
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Just use some silicone sealer. That is what most aftermarket pipes are supplied with.
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Exhaust leaks can be really annoying mate. Might be worth checking if the pipes are actually aligned properly first? Sometimes that’s the real issue, but I could be wrong
Yep, if pipes are aligned and fitted up properly and still leaks it’s worth pulling them off, cleaning both surfaces and trying silicone sealant.
Apart from cheap gap sealers, nearly all silicone will easily handle exhaust temperatures.
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