Front brake bleeding

Oh god… been trying to bleed front brakes today with no success… so new brake cylinder kit, new brake lines, new pistons, seals and pads… 2 hours and nothing. :sob:

Reverse bleed it…I use a syringe and pump the brake fluid into the caliper bleed nipple, one side at a time…air doesn’t normally like going down and tends to sit in the highest point in the system.

You’ll never get a good “rear brake pedal”…just the way they are I guess, still works but feel is terrible.


Ok cool… I’ll purchase one tomorrow and give it ago… again thanks :beers:

Are you trying to bleed both at same time?

Pick up a Mighty Vac pump. When you use it, you’ll probably need a bit of Teflon tape on the bleed nipples so you build a vaccum and don’t have spiral leakage at the threads

Okay, thanks for the advice :+1:

Reverse brake bleeding using a syringe worked a treat :blush::+1:

Result…an old trick taught to my by my father…many moons ago.
