Hello.......................and a question

Hello All

Picked up a nice {Looking} 1984 VF1000F, the first time ive been on one since i sold my 1984 VF750 in the late 80s.

ls fairing complete and tidy , suffering the after effects of poor storage…minging carbs, and some rot in the exhaust collector.

…so the question. They look a little different, but does the collector from a VF1000R or later VFs 1985 and on work? Do the collectors from any other models work?


Welcome. Try this recent post …“VF1000F2F exhaust collector box”. Should help you.

Hi and welcome to the forum,
All F model collectors are interchangeable and the R model one can be fitted with some mods.
The tail pipe outlet stub angle needs to be altered and due to the shape of the box the centre stand needs to be removed.
Hope this helps,regards Bif

Hi Bif, what about the other way around? I.e. can a VF1000F collector box fit on a VF1000R?
What mods if any would be required?

It will physically fit but the outlets for the tail cans would need to be altered.
The collector on the F is also shorter than the R unit which may/may not alter the exhausts performance

Thanks again for your help

Bif I noticed on the CMS web page that the 1984 VF1000R collector box has a different part number to the other years and markets…they are all the same with just the UK 1984 VF1000RE being different…would you know the difference? I assume the later collector would fit on my 1984?

Yes the later model collector will fit the RE