Liner removal - help !

Does anyone know the correct proceedure for removing the wet liners on the VF 1000R. Presumably it’s simply a matter of removing the single retaining bolt, a little heat and out they pop, however I would rather talk to someone that has done it, before I attempt this.
why you ask ? Simply my liners are seriously rust damaged, 15 years worth, and the largest oversize is only + .50 not a lot of room for damage removal. should they be unuseable they will have to be replaced… Oh, I must keep the original block/ cases no option.
regards Bunny.

Hi Bunny,
you have the theory pretty much sorted but one of my liners took a bit of persuading with a press before it came out.Fitting new liners also required a press but any competent engineering shop should have no major problems with the job.
regards BIF