Scotland tour 2024

It may seem a bit early to be planning this trip but the sooner we get a hotel sorted the cheaper it’s likely to be.So the proposed dates are May 10-13,base camp will be the Mercure hotel in Perth.
The prices are reasonable for single occupancy for the time of year.
Let me know how the dates work for everyone,there may be some flexibility on the dates
Johnboy and I have sorted out a couple of routes and I don’t think anyone will be disappointed


Those dates will work for me bif :+1:t2:


Dates ok for me as well.


Booked. Far enough away that i think the date will be fine.

Hi Bif.
I am looking to come up.
First though I will need to check the availability of gluten free food, if they can’t serve safe food for coeliacs I would be eating gf sandwiches every day if they can be found.
Also I might put the bike in my van to get up there as I don’t fancy sitting at the side of the road waiting for the rac on my own!

Be good to have you along Nigel,GF options are readily available so that should not be a problem.
We have Pete and Drew travelling up from Yorkshire for the trip so you would not need to be on your own,but if you want to bring your van up there would be no objections.
Best regards Bif

My missus has coeliac and had no bother in Scotland

Yes mate I think it will be fine with gf food.
Still might bring it up in the van though, I i’ll see how confident I am with it closer to the time.

Hi boys.
I am sorry to say I can’t make scotland.
I have a commitment that is set in stone.
Hope you all have a great safe trip.
I will keep my eye out for another chance to meet up.

That’s a shame,I will keep you posted if we manage to get to Yorkshire later in the year