Trying to see if anyone has had any luck in finding alternate sources for the main bearings (other Honda models, Kawaski, Suzuki, Yamaha).
Hi @California2Timer,
I remember an old post here, probably about 5 years ago, where someone had found Kawasaki bearings that were compatible?
From memory. the oil feed holes had to be redrilled to pick up the feed from the crankcase.
Try searching posts, if I get a chance I’ll see if I can find it also.
Search just found this post from VF Guru Bif from 2015
bifVF1000 Expert
In our never ending quest for a fresh supply of main bearings in particular,Teambif invested in a Federal Mogul master catalogue.
We have found two possible doners available in up to three undersizes.
Next job is to see what modifications will be necessary for use in the VF
Watch this space. Bif
Were you able to make any progress on this regarding mods to the bearings? What can I do to help?
We did find bearings that suited the big ends,the only mod required was to hone the con rod out by 20thou.
This was posted up here and used by one of our Aussie members to resurrect his crank.
Main bearings remain an issue,however with the renewed interest in older models some manufacturers are reproducing rare parts,here’s to hope Honda follows suit