waterpump for Tim

Howdy Timbo,was starting to think you had gone and left us for good.Teambif have a good waterpump in the store,so get an address to us and we will sort it out for ya.Regards BIF

Originally posted by bif

Howdy Timbo,was starting to think you had gone and left us for good.Teambif have a good waterpump in the store,so get an address to us and we will sort it out for ya.Regards BIF

Top Man bif…You two have been pretty damn quiet too.

Found my logging in problem…after I had reregistered under “Tim”…when I’ve been opening the Home Page for VF 100.c0m…
…where the most recent posts are displayed under the main banners…I have been clicking on them…reading them then trying to reply…tells me to fekk off and log in !..Much exasperation until the other week after I’d reregistered…Found out what I’d NOT been doing is entering the Forum FIRST…once I’d done that I could reply to posts…hence my resurrection sort of !

Anyrode…thanks for the offer mateyI’ll e-mail my addy for you and look forward tyo receiving it and getting it back together…

Fortunately I didn’t get to the stage where I removed the carbs…just a few pipes and cables and wires in reasdiness for the big strip down…which I hopefully wont have to do. I know in my heart that her heads have gone back together fine and there cannot be any problem with water in this area…just got to be the water pump.

So, addy on its way and I will expect a bill for beer tokens along with it.

Cheers matey.