Finally all back together after the crash… Everything front of the triple trees needed to be fixed and replaced… Painted the forks, rims, and valve covers gold and the bike it white with gold pearl… Painted the side covers of the engine and new wheel bearings and master cylinders… Few little things left to do such as get all the locks/ignition rekeyed and a new seat cover that isn’t blue…
nicely done Congrats looks good great cholce of color. 8)
Nice bike!
hi windex, looking good, like the gold fork legs…
looks nice, hope mine ends up that clean
Thanks guys! And I’ll probably get some flak from you guys now but it’s time to start working on the 86 GPZ900r!
ahhh, the bike that put the final nail in the vf’s coffin ;D… nice bike though, and getting hard to find a decent one for reasonable money… I’m just waiting for my zzr to achieve classic status (hard to believe its 16years old… and still goes, and looks well)
Love the white but nothing can beat the tri-colour red, blue, white.
Attached a photo of my mate’s GPZ that i rebuilt for him the way they should be.
This was her before I tore it apart… Keeping the chrome decals and accessories, painting it flat black with a satin clear… Have a 4-1 Vance and Hines, Pod Uni filters, carbs have been rejetted and new needles, and the antidive has been bypassed and forks redone with progressive springs… Also has stainless lines for the clutch and brakes…
I have 2 GPZ 900R, a red 1984 and a blue 1985. Both are stock save for a 4 into 1 Devil exhaust on the red one. but my favorite bike is my trusty VF1000F/G!
This is what my garage has turned into lol… keep getting bikes and fixing them up… Can’t bare to part with any of them lol…
Hi you have got some great bikes and the cbx 1000 is really nice and also the 550 four have owned both in the past cbx very heavy but once rolling very nice engine and the 550 will go forever if you don’t mind slight rattle on tick over but nothing to worry about just primary chains on a single tensioner mine done 112.000 miles no issues keep on restoring them better than money in a bank
regards Paul
windex… you have a fine collection of bike there, and your garage is unbelievably tidy ;D ;D :o
True! I’t’s a mouth-watering collection and I just dream of such a tidy garage…
Any one of those bikes I`d give my remaining testicle for ( the wife took the others !) but that Rocket 3 is my " do absolutely anything for " machine. Incidentally I was in Norway some years ago, miles from anywhere and about to get on a little train to go up into the mountains and while I was waiting I saw a Rockets 3 just like yours pull up in the small car park and an old boy got off it.
I forgot the train and ran down to catch him before he walked away. Between us ( his limited English and my very limited Norwegian ) we had a sort of conversation - shook hands and went our merry way.
Happy days.
Thanks guys… the BSA is the jewel of the collection, followed by the CBX… The I still have to put the Dunstall looking fairing and the solo seat on the XS650… put new fork seals and bushings in the forks of the Ninja and installed the carbs… She sounds like she’s powered by lions now lol… Just need to finish the plastics and I’ll be ready for some noise complaints lol…
The last couple days were beautiful so I decided to take the ole girl out for a spin… Ended up doing 850 km’s around the entire island and she didn’t miss a beat…
The bike looks good hope mine will run as well when together well done windex
looking good windex, the beech looks great too 8)… just like blackpool only without the crisp packets, fish & chip papers and dog doo. ???
The whole island I live on is a beach lol, This is about the only one I found though that you can actually drive on (when the tides low).