Vf1000.com T shirts

Hi all, just putting this post on to gauge interest on having some vf1000.com shirts printed up,
Forum member daVF had the initial idea while we were in wales last year, he is sorting all design work and liasing with the printers…
As yet we dont know the prices, that will depend on how many shirts are needed,
The design will be printed on a good decent quality shirt and will look like this, or very close.image the red stripe may go over the shoulder rather than under, but will look much the same…
Sizes go upto xxxl which is about 50 inch I beleive…
Anyone interested could you post up your chest size and how many you require, shirts are made in the UK.
To present
Gary 2 at xxl
Drew 1x xxl
Myself 3x 40" L
Graham, I’ve got your email and see what dave can do :+1:



XXL or XXL for me.

But I’d REALLY like a red/white/blue one to commemorate the best looking VF :slight_smile:

In all seriousness,I would like a r/w/b version- so maybe if this goes forward someone could send me the artwork so I can get a r/w/b version.


Hi Walter, I’m not sure that will be possible, the shirts are not specific to any of the vf1000’s they are for “vf1000.com forum”, the wording vf1000.com is copy righted by one of the founding members of this forum who has given his approval, due to costs on such a small print run I think we will have to stick to one design.

Your idea of having a rwb one to celebrate
the vf1000fe is a nice idea, I would certainly buy one if you get them printed.


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Hi Pete,I will go for an XL for starters 46 chest

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Many thanks bif :+1:

Aye up Pete, I’ll have 2 at XXL, cheers.

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Many thanks phil :+1:

I’ll have an xxl please Pete. Cheers

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Many cheers john :+1:

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Hi Pete
I’ll have a couple, size L please.
PS I like the way they look - I think strip below is better than on the shoulders but hey, I’ll go with whatever.
Great idea
Keep well
Dave Lightfoot

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I think the design looks excellent…just matches my VF so can I have 4 shirts please…xxxl (3). XXL (1). I’d like a couple for the mechanics that keep my bike otr.


Hi david and tom, yes will add those to the order :+1:

Hi Pete, I’d like 1xL please, looks awesome, cheers

Hi twotonifchrome, yep, added to list :+1:

Hi Pete, let’s go for a XXXL (6’ 105 kg : 2XL or 3XL?)… I hope the custom taxes won’t be too high! :grin:

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Hi fred,
Nice to here from you, Are you still based in france, if you are I dont think there will be any customs charges as yet, . so your wanting 1 shirt, at either 2xl or 3xl, … the 3xl are approx 50 inch, 127cm chest size.

It may be a while before daVF can get these shirts printed due to the current coronavirus situation, I will keep everyone posted, we will confirm order details, addresses, price and payment details befor going to print…

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Thanks Pete! I’ll chose a 3XL to be on the safe side… I’m back in France and will keep my fingers crossed regarding the taxes!

Good Morning,
I would be interested in (2) XXL please.

Thank You


Fred, Vince, yes your on the list, cheers.

Could I have 2 in XL please.